North Carolina TSA Board of Directors & Staff
Executive Board
NC TSA Board of Directors Past President: Dr. Kevin Sutton, Appalachian State University​
NC TSA Board of Directors President-Elect: Dr. Steven Miller, North Carolina State University​
NC TSA Board of Directors President: Mr. John Butler, McMichael High School - Mayodan, NC​
NC TSA Board of Directors Secretary: Mrs. Natalie Hulbert​
NC TSA State Advisor and Executive Director: Dr. Jerianne S. Taylor​
NCDPI Consultants: Mr. Brent Curran, Mr. Eli Hamrick, Mrs. Natalie Hulbert, Ms. Ashley Matthews Smith
NC TSA State Officer Advisor: Mrs. Natalie Hulbert
NC TSA Competitive Events Coordinator: Mrs. Natalie Tyler​
NC TSA State Advisor and Executive Director: Dr. Jerianne S. Taylor
Regional Representatives
Eastern –Mrs. Misty Guthrie, Early College of Eastern Applied Science and Technology (EAST), Havelock, NC
Western – Mr. John Butler, McMichael High School - Mayodan, NC
Community College &
University Representatives
Dr. Kevin Sutton, Appalachian State University
Dr. Vincent Childress, NC A&T State University
Dr. Steven Miller, North Carolina State University
Mr. Steven Thorne – Wayne Community College
Business & Industry
Mr. Alexis Gutierrez, GM Motorsports Charlotte Technical Center
Mrs. Mary Metters, PITSCO Education
CTE Director Representatives
Eastern Region Representative - Holly Tolston, Craven County Schools
Western Region Representative: Kim Forbes, Winston Salem – Forsyth County Schools
Central Region Representative: Chad Holloman - Wake County Schools​
Student Representative
NCTSA Student President: Ms. Yvonne Shih